By Lesley Goulding

Monday, March 14, 2016

Taking Note...


My stomach is so odd the last few days. I guess it's not really my stomach more my bowels... So I'd rather not go into the details more so for your sake. There's no major need for me describe it, other than highly uncomfortable, feeling constantly hungry, but also not hungry, the thought of "could it be dehydration" passing through your mind more than three times a day, and cramps and twists and bloated and just constantly running to the loo cause well... Yep no need to go into it.

Obviously when something isn't right with the bowel, your instant action should be to increase your fibre intake which is what I did. Then your water intake. But when you do those things and nothing changes what are you meant to do?
You say "ah sure it'll be grand ta fuck"  so that is what I just did for another two days. Then when it occurred again today I got annoyed. Even more so when I noticed the pimples across my cheeks spreading even more so across my cheeks. I know I know, how could I fussing over pimples?

Hear me out. I can totally handle the pimples. Yea sure there's a good few, and yea my consultant refers to it as acne, and yes you are right thinking are they a side effect of the cyclosporine. So I've been handling it, applying my creams, upping my skincare routine - now that I can. But I don't have to be positive all the time, there are no rules saying " you've to get the bus to happy land 24/7.

Just want the discomfort to go.


Bowel discomfort is kind of easing off, spent most of my weekend and week when Ive been at home curled up on the couch. Have had literally no energy, and felt nauseous the last two days. On top of that aunt flo is due, so even if the bowl stuff eases off everything will just kick off again cause of that. 


11.27 PM

We figure all the bowel and digestive discomfort has been a side effect of my cyclosporine dose being increased. 

(25 FEB /  2 MARCH 2016 )


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