By Lesley Goulding

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Conjuring // Review

Any of my friends will tell you me and horror movies are lovers. Anything paranormal, spooky in nature I will adore. Particularly horror movies that revolve around zombies and exorcisms. Like any good fanatic I've several favourites  However, over the last few years there's been a lack of decent paranormal horrors released in cinemas. My favourite horrors tend to revolve around exorcisms and hauntings; I always love seeing how writers and directors approach such stories - especially if they're true stories, as The Conjuring is. 

The Conjuring is based around two families; The Warrens and The Perrons in 1970. It involves The Perrons moving into their new home and suddenly experiencing paranormal occurrences. The Warrens are paranormal investigators and researchers, who step in and try and help the Warrens out with their case. Without saying too much, there's a racket of "FUCK!" moments for the average movie viewer. But if you're anything like me, and are used to the average spine tingling moments, there were bare few moments I found myself on the edge of my seat.

 The twists and turns are generally entertaining. But the acting, this level of acting is not common in such horror films. It was brilliant. Its hard enough to be a respected actor like Ron Livingston play a ghost hunter, who's usually seen as the tough WWII officer in Band of Brothers. Horror movies based around exorcism can be sometimes cringe. When it comes down to it, actors who have to be possessed have it tough. Sometimes it can just result in a splutter of cringes. Ive to hand it to the all actors in The Conjuring, a job well done actors, well done. 

This whole "Based on a True Story" can be quite captivating..  Actually reading up on the case online, can be sometimes more chilling then watching the movie,. If you're up to it, I'd recommend reading up one the case before going to see it! It may make the movie more predictable, but having the sense that these events did happen can make it all the more spooky. 

All in all the only aspects I can fault the movie on, are the spirits/ghosts and the ending itself. For a movie thats had the Hollywood treatment I was disappointed in how the ghosts looked when a character had a run in. It was all too circa B Movies for me. The makeup was just poor. Now the ending, I wont give any spoilers, but it just seemed all a bit ... rushed. From the exorcism onwards it seemed drawn out, and of course it got the Hollywood typical ending. Corny and happy. Would've preferred something more horrific personally!

Overall, I really did enjoy it. I'd give 8.5/10! The fact Ive now seen it twice, says a whole lot from me. 

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